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It is very important to distribute color well in color printing packaging

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It is very important to distribute color well in color printing packaging

Release date:2019-07-25 Author: Click:

Because the reading system of Dalian color printing Packaging Bar Code stipulates that the general scanner light source is the red light source with wavelength of 630 nm to 700 nm, the red light effect of ink should be considered. When the incident light of the scanner is illuminated on the barcode surface of different colors, different reflections will occur. Black ink can absorb red light completely. It often chooses other color bars and spaces to match. At this time, we should pay attention to choosing the appropriate match according to the red light effect of the color.

Yellow, orange and red have high reflectivity to red light, while green and purple have low reflectivity to red light. As long as it can satisfy the reflectivity of barcode and the customization of product packaging for many customers, in order to ensure the overall quality and service life of packaging products, we need to do a good job in the processing and printing of products, but in this process, problems are relatively easy to occur.

It's easy to lower the grade and use effect of the whole product, so it's a pity if the quality of the product is not good because of poor printing, so it's necessary to learn to use and analyze correctly. Sample gifts are very popular with consumers. The color of some gifts is very common, even if placed in front of consumers, it can not get the attention of consumers.

At this time, we need to do a good job of color distribution on color printing packaging, which also has a lot of knowledge. In addition to achieving harmony in color matching, we should also achieve color and gift color matching. This kind of color, which is similar to the color of food itself, can not only make packaging attractive, but also increase the appetite of consumers.

Thus, consumers are more willing to choose it as their shopping choice. In the design process of color printing packaging, color matching is the key. In choosing the color of ribbon, gold and silver belong to the color of 100 sets. If several double bows overlap each other, gold or silver backing can be used. The color of ribbon should be matched with the color of packaging paper, and the color that appeared on packaging paper should be selected as far as possible, and the same color system can also be selected.

Dalian color printing packaging

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