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Dalian Xinyuan Printing Co., Ltd.
Contact: Sun Li Hou Jin Shi Wen
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Print Character Structure of Color Printing Packaging

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Print Character Structure of Color Printing Packaging

Release date:2019-03-05 Author: Click:

  If the color printing package of Dalian is in JPG format, the resolution needs to reach more than 300. The color mode must use CMYK, 32-bit true color, and the TIF format. The higher the better, the better. The smaller the size of the picture, the higher the resolution. The better the effect will be printed.

  Color printing is a copy, but it is color copying, if there are chapters and official seals on the color printing unit that match the original. It may have the same effect as the original. If you take the color printed material and say it is the original, it is a fake.

  According to whether the printing component has a hitting action on the paper, it is divided into a hit printer and a non-impact printer. According to the print character structure, it is divided into: full-size word printer and dot matrix character printer. A device on which a computer's calculation results or intermediate results are printed on paper in a prescribed format, such as numbers, letters, symbols, and graphics that can be recognized by humans.

  The printer is moving toward light, thin, short, small, low power, high speed and intelligent. During the conversation between the calling party and the called party, the system automatically pushes the preset color printing information (mood, joke, business, etc.) to the other party's mobile phone, so that the other party can see the color printing information after the call ends. To achieve the purpose of showing personality, sharing mood, business communication and so on.

Dalian color printing packaging

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