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Dalian color carton printing factory

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Dalian color carton printing factory

Release date:2021-09-23 Author: Click:

The color effect of printed matter has a very important impact on the product packaging in the packaging printing of Dalian color carton printing factory. It will not only improve the grade of commodity packaging, but also attract consumers and enhance users' desire to buy. However, in packaging and printing, sometimes the printing factory and customers jointly recognize the satisfactory printing color. When printing on the specific commodity packaging, the color deviation occurs, and sometimes the difference is relatively large, which makes the commodity packaging unsatisfactory. What's wrong?

Check whether the printing equipment, materials and operation technology are normal. In fact, this is the same color and different spectrum phenomenon in chromatics. It can be seen that the same color and different spectrum phenomenon has a great impact on packaging and printing. Therefore, we should fully understand the generation principle and control method of this phenomenon to avoid the loss caused by this color difference phenomenon to packaging and printing manufacturers.

In color printing, printing three primary colors YMC is usually used to simulate and reproduce various colors in nature, but for human eyes, what they can feel is RGB color light, that is, human eyes recognize colors based on the principle of additive color method. Therefore, for the human eye, the color light and pigment are equivalent, which produces a phenomenon of the same color and different spectrum, which is mainly caused by the low resolution of the human eye.

When the spectral composition of the light source changes, both the monochromatic light in a certain wavelength range is missing in the light source, and the color light in this wavelength range is the color light reflected by the optical characteristics of an object, then the object will not show its solid color under this light source, but show different colors. This phenomenon is called the same color spectrum phenomenon when a pair of colors present the same color under a certain light source, but their colors change under another light source.

In this change, the spectral data of the object itself remains unchanged, that is, the spectral data describes the surface properties of the color object. It has no effect on the change of the illuminant, the observer and the replication method. The color of the object is related to the spectral power distribution of the reflected (transmitted) light, but it does not correspond one by one, Therefore, many light with different spectral distribution can cause the same color perception of human eyes (i.e. color mixing, same color and different spectrum phenomenon).

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