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Dalian Xinyuan Printing Co., Ltd.
Contact: Sun Li Hou Jin Shi Wen
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Study on Chemical Stability of Color Printing Plant

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Study on Chemical Stability of Color Printing Plant

Release date:2019-08-21 Author: Click:

The dyeing power of the products of Dalian Color Printing Factory is strong: the dyeing power of the ink is a quantity indicating the color intensity or concentration of the ink. For the ink of the same color phase, the dyeing power depends on the dispersity of the pigment on the binder. The higher the dispersity, the stronger the dyeing power; and also depends on the content of the pigment, the higher the dyeing power.

Ink color will change under the action of some chemicals. Therefore, the ink packaged in color printing is required to have good chemical stability, water resistance, acid and alkali resistance, ethanol resistance and other properties. Photographic plate-making technology in hanging-net era. In order to remedy the lack of light sensitivity in dark bits of color printing packaging pictures, it is possible to remove the original flash once or put a paper dot exposure, or directly use flash lamp to flash white light.

In order to increase the depth of the original network, so as to soften the image. Color is a component element of color printing packaging which can stimulate sales. Highlighting the tone combination of commodity characteristics can not only strengthen the brand characteristics, but also have a strong appeal to customers. The importance and indispensability of pattern in packaging is self-evident, just like the picture in advertisement.

The adhesive part of the gift box is processed by coating and polishing, which makes it difficult for the adhesive to penetrate the surface and penetrate into the paper, and the paper box to adhere to it. The gloss of the printed matter is closely related to the roughness of the surface of the object. If the roughness is high, the more light reflected will be, and the principle of light scattering will be brought into play. It will decrease. If the roughness is reduced and the surface is smooth and flat, the gloss will be higher. Patterns and color words can not be clearly inaccurate. The opening direction of color printing packaging must meet the design requirements.

Dalian color printing factory

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