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Is setting the starting printing number the basis of a color printing plant?

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Is setting the starting printing number the basis of a color printing plant?

Release date:2019-01-21 Author: Click:

The invoices issued by the advertising business of Dalian Colour Printing Factory can be filled in the amount indicated in the special invoices for service industry, entertainment industry and cultural and sports industry as other business income. Cost and main cost are accounted for separately, but the words "advertising fee" or "advertising business advertising fee" cannot appear in the invoice summary.

In the printing industry, according to the characteristics of high speed and large consumption of printing press, the printing standard of starting printing number is set (for Chengdu printing industry, most of them set the starting fee). That is to say, no matter how many printing numbers are, the pricing quotation must be calculated according to a certain quantity. As far as Chengdu is concerned, the domestic counterpart is monochrome.

Dual-color printers and imported octahedral, quadruple and opposite four-color printers mostly start printing at 1000-2000, while domestic octahedral single-color printers (also known as small offset printers, suitable for small print and small print quantity) usually start printing at 1000. The length and width printing industry refers to the size of a large sheet of paper.

It is divided into two common specifications: large paper, commonly called A3, A4, A5 paper, is big 8 open, big 16 open, big 32 open. Normally speaking, positive paper is called B3, B4, B5 paper, is positive 8 open, positive 16 open, positive 32 open. This is a full-open sheet divided into several parts.

Dalian color printing factory

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