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Dalian Xinyuan Printing Co., Ltd.
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A Major Indicator of Color Printing Mills

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A Major Indicator of Color Printing Mills

Release date:2019-01-04 Author: Click:

Ink color is one of the intuitive indicators. In fact, it is a major indicator of printing quality to a large extent. Therefore, the quality of pigments plays a decisive role in the quality of ink. In the printing process, if the thixotropy of the ink is bad, the ink will not flow smoothly.

Ink transfer is not uniform, dot enlargement and other printing faults. In order to prevent the above failure, it is necessary to use an ink shovel to stir the ink in the ink bucket or to install an ink stirrer in the ink bucket to hold up the ink from time to time. Printers can do many things, such as brochures, samples, books and newspapers.

Dalian Colour Printing Factory magazines, bills, cartons, calendars, calendars, envelopes, rolled paper, book printing, poster printing, etc. In a word, printed products can be seen everywhere in Dalian. It is also for this reason that printing technology exchanges, printing recruitment, printing publicity, printing exhibitions and so on.

The technology of transferring ink to the surface of paper, fabric, leather and other materials and replicating the content of original manuscript in batches through plate making, inking and pressing. It's called printing. There are many forms of printing: traditional offset printing, screen printing, digital printing and so on.

Dalian color printing factory

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