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The relationship between color printing plants and environmental protection

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The relationship between color printing plants and environmental protection

Release date:2018-08-15 Author: Click:

  In color printing plants, environmentally friendly plastic packaging is environmentally friendly, but PLA materials are mainly corn and other crops containing a lot of starch and sugar. Usually 1 tons of PLA resin requires 2.3 tons of corn as raw material. The United States produces an annual output of 10 million tons of PLA, which means consumption of more than 23 million tons of grain per year. America is a big exporter of agriculture. Can we afford it? Is this price worth comparing with environmental protection? A Greenlitz specialist and doctor of materials with experience selling PLA plastic products was consulted on this issue.

  He thinks that this problem can be avoided for the time being, because when there is a shortage of food, food prices will naturally rise, and the cost of producing PLA plastic materials will increase, to some extent, will inhibit the demand for bioplastic packaging products. Therefore, the market itself will have some regulatory functions. In the long run, the raw materials of traditional plastics come from the non renewable resources of petroleum. The main ingredient in PLA is carbohydrates, and natural carbohydrates such as starch and sugar are easier (and cheaper) to obtain from crops, especially corn. It is hoped that future technology can gradually change this dependence on food.

  In the past few years, China prohibited the distribution of plastic bags free of charge in supermarkets, which can only solve a small part of the problem. According to the author's observation, many Chinese people often forget to bring their own handbags when shopping through supermarkets, and young people do not care how much more they spend on plastic bags. Foreign countries, such as supermarket cashiers in Germany, sell plastic bags for 30 euros, or about 2.7 yuan, and most ordinary Germans are used to taking cloth bags to supermarkets to buy things. Do Germans love their homeland? I think, even from now on, everyone in daily life to be a person with a heart, progress is great enough.

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